“An electric bike is magic” – William Shatner

So we’re taking customer care to the next level with the official Pedego Owners Group (POG), and you’re invited to come along for the ride. Once you buy a Pedego (or if you already have one) you can enroll as a lifetime member of the Pedego Owners Group.
This is an exclusive club that costs nothing to join and provides you with premium access to free stuff and news about local POG rides and events.
Track your smiles miles with collectible pins.
Mile Markers are a fun way to keep track of how far you’ve ridden your Pedego. Your friends and family are sure to be impressed!
They are high quality pins that can be attached to your shirt, hat, bag, or anywhere else you can dream up.
Simply fill out the quick and easy form and we’ll send you a FREE mile marker pin.
The Pedego Owners Group is a warm and fun-loving community.
One of the best ways to get connected is by attending local events and Pedego Palooza’s across Canada.
It’s quick and easy to connect online.
The easiest way to get involved with the Pedego Owners Group is to join the official Facebook group.
You’ll find a warm and welcoming community of fellow Pedego Owners from all over the world, all rallying around the joy of owning a Pedego. It’s a great place to share riding experiences, suggest fun bike accessories, ask questions, and engage with fellow Canadian Pedego owners and Pedego owners across the United States and the World!
Leave a review for your local dealer, help change someone else’s life. Share some fun Pedego videos.