How Entrepreneurs Use Pedego Electric Bikes


It’s a given that a lot of business people commute to work via Pedego electric bike all over Canada but there are many companies and entrepreneurs who use them for a variety of different reasons. For example, city workers in Kelowna, British Columbia use Pedegos to reach job sites rather than large trucks to get around town. Alf Soros, the Fleet Services Supervisor for the City, says employees typically pedal where they can and then use the motor to zoom up hills with ease and when the day’s done, they simply plug their bikes into a docking station for a nightly charge. “These electric assist bikes are much cheaper than your average work vehicle and require less maintenance; not to mention the added savings on fuel costs,” he says.

Then there’s filmmaker Derek Frankowski who uses a Pedego Trail Tracker electric bike to get different shots. Recently he said, “While filming for a commercial I used my Trail Tracker to control my speed and maneuver the with one hand, which allowed me to get the camera into positions that told the best story. Don’t know how I would have captured these angles without it. It was a new tool that delivered amazing results. I’ll be packing the bike as a part of my kit on any future project.”


Businesses also use Pedego electric bikes as delivery vehicles, such as the independent publisher Mountain Culture Group. Based in the hilly city of Nelson, British Columbia, the staff at MCG used to drive large pickup trucks around town and outlying areas to deliver magazines and to get from one appoint and interview to the other. Now they’re utilizing a fleet of Pedegos ranging from the City Commuter to the Stretch cargo bike.

In a recent article, Mountain Culture Group wrote about being an independently owned publishing company that does all its own distribution, from Tofino to Portland to Calgary. For the long-haul trips they use trucks but when it came to local deliveries, as well as commuting, they realized the trucks were overkill. However, “it’s no fun sweating your butt off lugging around heavy boxes of magazines on a normal bike. Nor is it that enjoyable grinding up the Nelson hills,” they wrote.

Instead, they chose City Commuter electric bikes to get around town and the burly Stretch cargo electric bike to lug loads of up to 400 pounds.

“The most notable thing about using an electric bike is how much fun it is,” they wrote. “Driving around town, having to find parking and then paying for it is never that much fun. But with an electric bike you can cruise right to the front door of where you’re going and park it for free. And you never have to break into a sweat because the bike’s motor can assist you when you’re riding into a headwind or up a steep hill.”

Delivery device. Filmmaker tool. City utility vehicle. The uses of Pedego electric bikes by businesses and entrepreneurs are endless. What will you use your Pedego for?

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