Looking for electric bikes Belleville?  The high-quality Pedego electric bikes are available just down the road at Pedego Prince Edward County in Bloomfield, Ontario! Drop in to see Patrick and Gillian who will be delighted to show you the range of Pedego Electric Bikes. Pedego bicycles are the quickly becoming the most recognizable brand of electric bike in Canada and across the world. If you would like to know more about these bikes, check out the information on the website, email or call us at 613-393-9191.
Belleville is perfectly located for cyclists; at the mouth of the Moira River, on the Bay of Quinty, and one bridge away from the delights of Prince Edward County. Electric bikes get you back on a bicycle, off the couch and out of the car! There are plenty of great reasons to ride a Pedego, but the best reason is simple … it’s fun!
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Don’t worry if there isn’t currently a Pedego dealer in your immediate area. We’ve got you covered! All you need to do is select a bike shop in your community to support your purchase. We will cover the assembly costs and then your bike shop can support you going forward as we honour your warranty.